Ke Yue |
I am a Master Student in the Computer Science Department at Illinois Institute
of Technology and received my Master degree on Dec,2011. Contact: kyue at hawk dot iit dot edu
Network on Chip, Distributed system, Manytask scheduling, Multicore computing, Task graph scheduling, Cyber physical system, Real-time computing, System reliability, Embedded system, Fault-tolerant system
- Ke Yue, Yueming Lei, Zongyan Ling and Xiang Du, " Architecture and Design of the parser used in the Embedded Browser based on DFA " Proceedings of the 7th IEEE World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, 2008 [PDF]
- Ke Yue, Li Wang, Shangping Ren, Xufei Mao and Xiangyang Li, "An Adaptive Discrete Event Model for Cyber-Physical System ", The Analytic Virtual Integration of Cyber-Physical Systems Workshop(Co with RTSS), 2010 [PDF]
- Li Wang, Shangping Ren, Ke Yue, and Kevin Kwiat, " Optimal Resource Allocation to Improve Distributed System Reliability" quot;, Secure Knowledge Management, (runner-up for best paper award)2010 [PDF]
- Li Wang, Shangping Ren, Ke Yue, and Kevin Kwiat,"Optimal Resource Allocation for Protecting System Availability against Random Cyber Attacks" Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Research and Development, 2011. [PDF]
- Ke Yue, Soumia Ghalim, Zheng Li, Frank Lockom, Shangping Ren, Lei Zhang and Xiaowei Li. ," A greedy approach to tolerate defect cores for multimedia applications" IEEE ESTImedia(Co with ESWeek) Symposium on Embedded Systems for Real-Time Multimedia, 2011. [PDF]
- Ke Yue, Frank Lockom, Zheng Li,Soumia Ghalim,Shangping Ren, Lei Zhang and Xiaowei Li. ," Hungarian Algorithm Based Virtualization to Maintain Application Timing Similarity for Defect-Tolerant NoC " IEEE ASP-DAC Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference, (Acceptted) , 2012. [PDF]
- Ke Yue, Ioan Raicu.," Performance Maximization of Application-Specific Scheduling for Petascale Multicore Platform.(submit to HPDC), 2012.
- Ke Yue, " Maximize System Reliability and Analysis " Department of Computing Science, Illinois Institute of Technology, Tech. Rep., 2011 [PDF]
- Volunteer for Mobicom 2010
- Volunteer for CPSWeek 2011
- CS402 MIPS assembly language lab instructor
- CS536 Science of programming language
- CSP587 Software Engineering
- CS485 Computers and Society
- CS561 Computer Science in the Classroom
- Shan Dong University, Second Prize for WebPages Competition
- Hai Yun Tian Technology scholarship
- Illinois Institute of Technology, 2009 Dean's scholarship
- Illinois Institute of Technology, 2010 Dean's scholarship
- 2010 Secure Knowledge Management, Runner-Up for Best Paper Award