CS Department CS Department CS Department
  Ke Yue  


I am a Master Student in the Computer Science Department at Illinois Institute of Technology and received my Master degree on Dec,2011. Contact: kyue at hawk dot iit dot edu


    Network on Chip, Distributed system, Manytask scheduling, Multicore computing, Task graph scheduling, Cyber physical system, Real-time computing, System reliability, Embedded system, Fault-tolerant system


  1. Ke Yue, Yueming Lei, Zongyan Ling and Xiang Du, " Architecture and Design of the parser used in the Embedded Browser based on DFA " Proceedings of the 7th IEEE World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, 2008 [PDF]
  2. Ke Yue, Li Wang, Shangping Ren, Xufei Mao and Xiangyang Li, "An Adaptive Discrete Event Model for Cyber-Physical System ", The Analytic Virtual Integration of Cyber-Physical Systems Workshop(Co with RTSS), 2010 [PDF]
  3. Li Wang, Shangping Ren, Ke Yue, and Kevin Kwiat, " Optimal Resource Allocation to Improve Distributed System Reliability" quot;, Secure Knowledge Management, (runner-up for best paper award)2010 [PDF]
  4. Li Wang, Shangping Ren, Ke Yue, and Kevin Kwiat,"Optimal Resource Allocation for Protecting System Availability against Random Cyber Attacks" Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Research and Development, 2011. [PDF]
  5. Ke Yue, Soumia Ghalim, Zheng Li, Frank Lockom, Shangping Ren, Lei Zhang and Xiaowei Li. ," A greedy approach to tolerate defect cores for multimedia applications" IEEE ESTImedia(Co with ESWeek) Symposium on Embedded Systems for Real-Time Multimedia, 2011. [PDF]
  6. Ke Yue, Frank Lockom, Zheng Li,Soumia Ghalim,Shangping Ren, Lei Zhang and Xiaowei Li. ," Hungarian Algorithm Based Virtualization to Maintain Application Timing Similarity for Defect-Tolerant NoC " IEEE ASP-DAC Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference, (Acceptted) , 2012. [PDF]
  7. Ke Yue, Ioan Raicu.," Performance Maximization of Application-Specific Scheduling for Petascale Multicore Platform.(submit to HPDC), 2012.

Technical Reports

  1. Ke Yue, " Maximize System Reliability and Analysis " Department of Computing Science, Illinois Institute of Technology, Tech. Rep., 2011 [PDF]


  1. Volunteer for Mobicom 2010
  2. Volunteer for CPSWeek 2011

Teaching Assistant

  1. CS402 MIPS assembly language lab instructor
  2. CS536 Science of programming language
  3. CSP587 Software Engineering
  4. CS485 Computers and Society
  5. CS561 Computer Science in the Classroom


  1. Shan Dong University, Second Prize for WebPages Competition
  2. Hai Yun Tian Technology scholarship
  3. Illinois Institute of Technology, 2009 Dean's scholarship
  4. Illinois Institute of Technology, 2010 Dean's scholarship
  5. 2010 Secure Knowledge Management, Runner-Up for Best Paper Award



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